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The Musk

There are other animal species capable of producing this gland such as civet, muskrat, musk duck and muskox. Today we find plant species that produce a substance whose odor is similar to that of musk (ambrette).

Its Origin, Its History:

Musk has been known for a very long time since our prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam spoke about it and it is also found mentioned in the Holy Quran.

According to Abu Sa'id Al Khoudri (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Musk is one of your best perfumes".

(Reported by Nasai and authenticated by Sheikh Albani in Sahih Al Jami n ° 5914)

According to Jâber رضي الله عنه, the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

“The inhabitants of Paradise eat and drink there without having either defecation, snot or urine. But eating them only causes them to burp with the scent of musk.

Allah inspires them with the following formulas as He inspires their breathing: "Soubhànallàh" (glory and purity to Allah) and "Allàhou akbar" (Allah is the greatest) "



Sura 83 (The Fraudsters) - verses 22 to 28 (close translation):


“Yes, those who have lived in obedience to Allah and in works of good will certainly be in a place of delight. (22) On sumptuous beds, they watch. (23) You recognize on their faces the radiant joy of delicacies. (24) They are served to drink sealed nectar. (25) Its stamp is of musk and those who argue to get to this quarrel. (26) He mixes with the water of Tasnim. (27) A spring where those closest to (Allah) drink

Arabs and Byzantines used it as an aphrodisiac. Throughout the Middle East, Musk was used more particularly in Saudi Arabia. From there the Musk was known throughout the whole world. In Iran about 600 years ago a mosque was built using Musk.

In the 14th century the traveler Marco Polo considered Musk an extremely valuable discovery.

Its use :

The Scythians, Crusaders, Kings and Pharaohs knew the power of this miraculous substance. Alexander the Great and King Henry III commonly used it to perfume themselves.

Tibetan and Arab doctors to treat asthma, epilepsy, hysteria as well as many nervous diseases. In oriental medicine musk is used to treat more than 50 different diseases and musk is a component of 300 medicines.

The Marquise de Pompadour also made it her favorite perfume.

Its Obtaining:

The animal was hunted for many years to obtain the precious Musk gland, until a harmless method of extraction (curettage) was discovered. This technique consists of putting the animal to sleep during its rut ​​period, then removing the Musk gland by curettage.

Once the gland is taken out of the animal's body, it is exposed to the sun. After some time the grains are removed from the interior of the gland which will be used for the rest.

From this moment, and according to a precise dosage, we will let the Musk grains macerate in sandalwood oil. It can take several months or even years for the mixture to ripen and produce a unique and warm scent.

The quality of the Sandalwood oil as well as the maceration time will interfere with the quality of the Musk.

The smell it gives off is fabulous and incredible. The top note is animal and powerful, it reveals a fruity and warm heart. The base is soft and floral, a real treat that will stay with you for hours and hours.

His price :

In the 19th century animal musk was worth twice its weight in gold.

Its price has continued to rise and this because of its rarity and the fact that the species were killed during the extraction of the Musk gland. To protect the species, hunting has been banned and the export of Musk is strictly regulated. Suddenly obtaining natural animal musk is very expensive nowadays, it is for this reason that the Perfume industry uses sytnthesis musks which are much less expensive and which are similar to the smell of animal musk.

Where to find some?

Here are some links where you will find top quality genuine Musks:




PS: Many scents that we find on the market today (Islamic bookstores, market etc ...) are called "Musk" but have nothing to do with the real Musk which we have talked about during this article. . These scents are various compositions and mixtures of synthetic products around with fruity, floral, woody, amber, etc ...

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